The Art of Place

Many years ago I read “Where you live is as important as what you do”. I can’t remember the source, but the words have stayed with me. My art is completely inspired by where I live, or have lived. Books, film, travels and photographs inspire me too, but it is the day to day living in a place that imbeds into the psyche, and the creative mind. It is the sounds of the dawn chorus, sunrises and sets, the budding of maples and seeds on the cedars. It is feeling awe at the power of wind and waves, the wonder of what washed up on shore.

I began to create a series of felted work around the idea of “home” several years ago, and continue to work with the theme. I was going through life and relationship changes, and knew not where home might be, but I knew it began within me, and blossomed with being in the right place. That place is now on an island in Lake Superior, and if you look closely at the artwork here, you can see the longing for the lake, and the growth I hoped would spring from this place.

“The Journey Home”


A love for teaching: going on-line!

